Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mabrouk to Fox Journalists

I am glad this is over. I wanted to mention something about that stupid event. Now there is no need to. What is really making me worry is those new factions that are being created. Identity is seriously being threatened, whether we like to admit it or not. Gaza is expected to develop more of these many undefined loyalties and identities. Although many don't accept how Fox news work, but those were working amongst us.
If you are really interested to know the opinion here on this issue, every single person I saw was saying the same thing "this is stupid and doesn't make sense"

I need to say this...And I am laughing..I couldn't but laugh about the news that said that the Journalists accepted Islam....! I mean...I don't know. ut it is funny and many are laughing and talking about it as an amusing piece of news.

"Mabrouk: means: congratulations

1 comment:

Karin said...

Would a forced conversion be valid at all? I really don't know ...
You're right Naj - these newly created factions do worry me as well ... that was the mess INcreases - instead of DEcreases!
It's good this terrible kidnapping of the FOX-guys is over!
GREAT POST Naj - thanks so much!! :)