Saturday, October 21, 2006

Today...minor mess

One cant describe the high noise and air pollution in Gaza these days.....
regarding noise, today, for some reason, it was so disturbing...and on the way..from an office to my house i wittnessed about 3 accidents in the streets..."People are going crazy today" the driver said...

Almost every public employee and all registered unemployed got a small amount of money to be able to survive and get some "candies" for the Eid - el fitr feast- i m sure not many could even think of candies. The security forces were the only ones who didnt recieve any, for the second time...tjose were the ones demonstrating in the streets by closing some streets with trees and burning tyres. Gaza didnt need more black dust to cover the left windows or the so far white walls...but this is not the case anyway..they have the right to be angry! and many know that they are being used for pressure.
Abbas was in Gaza refused to meet with the PM Hanyyeh...(so maybe not-talking not-meeting will result in something!?) The Eid is on monday- the day after tomorrow..if those didnt get money..i would assume its a smart enough Is this how Fatah kicking out the gov. ? well..the gov isnt doing anything to help itself..but also with getting 42 million from the US state department and encouraging security forces when using them to turn gaza into a new version of chaos...would this be the option!?

i wonder...and i may not understand much of what is going on around me..


Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine what life is like there now. But it is vital that we do our best to try and understand the human dimension and your blog is great for that. What can I say? I will keep hoping, writing, working for, some sort of solution between our peoples.

My best wishes for the best Eid possible in those circumstances.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad I came across your blog from the 'Palestine blogs site'. Its nice to hear a voice from Gaza, I just usually read about it in the papers. Im sorry about the chaos. It was only after watching 'The Tea boy of Gaza' recently, that the full extent of infighting became apparent to me. What can be expected under so much pressure, I guess. The documentary itself was horribly biased and blamed the Palestinians for ALL of their problems- what's new.

Eid Saeed. We said a prayer for the Palestinians and the oppressed at the eid salah today.
